This is my blog. I blog about love, life, politics, poetry and lupus.
Lupus: I think it is important to document my experiences with this debilitating and unpredictable disease. I was diagnosed in the Fall of 2006 and I have been struggling with this illness ever since. I have Lupus Nephritis. My lupus primarily attack my kidneys. My lupus as gives me blood clots, seizures, intense pain. Having a chronic illness is difficult and complex and a constant burden. Having a chronic illness can also be humbling and enlightening. I try to document the things that happen in my life through a view of someone with chronic illness.

Love: I'm a young queer black woman and my journey has been a colorful and exciting one. I document my experiences with women and in my alternative and diverse community.
Personal: There are often times when I will blog about things and not mention how my lupus colors the experience.
Poetry: I share my poetry on this site. All poetry is Copyrighted 2014 to Christal J. Coakley.
Politics: I am a political science major and an avid political science junkie. When things of political import occur I like to write about them from a queer black feminist prospective
Art: Sometimes I like to blog about movies or music or poetry or books that I find particular interesting.
Humor: These are things that I just personally find funny.
Gay: This posts deal specifically with what my gay experience is like.
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