I just watched a documentary on the Hidden History of people
of color.
Of course, I had to ignore the kemetic crack pot but there were other
highly qualified scholars. It was a whirlwind of information. Regarding the
African influence around the world. How the Moors taught Europeans about
hygiene (hey why don’t you guys built the animals their own houses and you guys
don’t sleep in a cabin full of shit?) and music (instruments and writing) and
math. How they brought science (alchemy) and chemistry (healing and medicine). The
first university were started by Moors. They brought trade and education AND
the running theme is that black people did all this WITHOUT WIPING OUT THE
EUROPEAN PEOPLE.What the Moors brought to Europe --> http://atlantablackstar.com/2013/10/07/when-black-men-ruled-the-world-moors/
Early depictions of the holy family showed them with Moorish
features. Early depictions of great scholars and men of affluence showed
Moorish features. Moors (a word meaning dark) helped influence the entire
He spoke about how Africans were involved in cross-Atlantic
trade long before Christopher Columbus and his clumsy
misguided antics. I learned that he brought Moors with him to help him navigate
and upon his arrival in the “new world” there were Moorish looking natives
there to greet him. Picture of the Ohlone Indians show clear African features. Supporting the premise of intermingling and cultural exchange.
The Moors managed to travel across the
Atlantic Ocean and engaged in cultural trade WITHOUT killing all the natives.
They intermarried, intermingled, traded goods and WENT THE FUCK BACK HOME. People
of color are shown in the ancient art of people all over the globe. Traditional
African features are seen from Asia to Ireland.
In America the black African family was systemically and
purposely undermined. The black African family was a supreme threat to white
slave owners. Before the advent of the civil war black slaves were revolting
all throughout the south. Africans built the pyramids and taught Europeans how
to build castles. They have a history of greatness that has been erased from the
propaganda the west tries to spread as history in an effort to bolter the
European genetic line. Europeans are the ethnic minority on this planet.
European colonizers effectively changed the mindset of the people they
colonized. They made black people hate their hair, their skin, their bodies,
and denied them the patriotic pride that comes with a true accounting of
Then Tariq Naheed becomes a troll of epic proportions. He
says that the break down of the civil rights movement (and black mental
liberation) was due (1) the women’s
rights movement and (2) effeminate men. SIR. SIIIIIIR. He says that before
civil rights women didn’t have any complaints. Well, he says black women were
already equal to black men and when white women started the feminist movement
black women joined them and created a rift within the black community. THEN the
white man started making the black man effeminate.
Or maybe I can tell you...FIRST the
women’s rights movement was black women saying that they deserve to be
respected within their own community as well as in the white community. Black
women were saying NO to rape, domestic violence, misogyny, and oppression. The
black man would go to work all day and have the white man shit on him often he
would then come home and shit on his wife. When women started saying they
didn’t want to take that type of abuse anymore black men saw it as an affront
to the black family. IF you were the type of man
who respected and appreciated women THEN THEY WERE NOT TRYING TO CHANGE YOU.
Additionally, the women’s rights movement said women have the right to be paid
as much as men AND have access to birth control. Unwanted children prevent women from contributing
financially to their homes. Increased pay at work meant more money for the UNIT
as a whole. WHY would you disagree with this? Black women, Black feminists, Womanists have ALWAYS supported the black man and tried to create a community that would nourish and uplift them.
Tariq the Troll says that one day women up and decided they
no longer needed men to have babies. BRUH. BIOLOGY would seem to suggest that
it is impossible for black women to have babies without …a…man… Don’t blame
women because your masculinity was challenged.
SECOND. Effeminate men are the white man’s way of creating
genetic genocide. I’m still a little foggy on how this occurs but I’m assuming
he is talking about gay men not going out there making babies with women.
However, black people aren’t having any trouble having babies in spite of the
allegedly high population of gay banditos that are running around shaking the
very foundation of the black family community. SIR a black gay man organized the March on Washington. LOOK AT BAYARD!!!!!

He was also erased from the history books
because of his sexuality. Now you seek to erase him from our movement because
he doesn’t fit YOUR view of masculinity.
Why are black men SO threatened by a men who don’t their
perception of what a man should be. He challenges the men who tried to wear
heels on campus at Morehouse. These college men. These men who are going into
business and medicine and education. He dismisses the possible positive effect
they can have on the black community because they wear heels. However, I notice
that he doesn’t have anything critical to say about black men spending hundreds
of dollars on gym shoes they don’t need and cars they can’t afford. He doesn’t
talk about how our obsession with material things we don’t need is slowly
driving us away from a unified movement towards true racial equality. LET’S
how much they love the white aesthetic. They prefer light skin, light eyes,
straight hair, thin bodies. Does Tariq talk about how the black man’s love of white women has contributed
to the break down of the “black family”? NO. Of course not. Because that would
take away from his message denigrating and marginalizing the black woman.
Tariq is wrong. His philosophy is colored by his obvious
gender insecurity and his not so subtle homophobia. What is damaging the black
community is our internalization of the white man’s oppression and xenophobia.
Black people want to find someone lower than them on the totem pole and they
believe that gays are sitting right on the bottom. Bigotry is what keeps us
from prospering. Misogyny keeps us from advancing. Women have been the backbone
of the American black community for 500
years and any man who would disrespect her is jealous and insecure and the
reason we as a whole cannot find a way to finally beat white oppression. Only
by working together can we achieve our goal. White people don’t need to be
unified (In America) they are the majority and the oppressors. Black people
can’t afford to have these arbitrary factions. Everyone comes in. Every
contributes. Everyone does their part and we all rise.