Friday, December 6, 2013


When I was 5 years old
My grandfather
Decided it was time to sit me down
And discuss our heritage

This lesson was a direct result
Of him discovering my
Obsession with jumping
off the roof of his house
In direct violation of an express order
Not to do so
But danger was a foreign concept to me
And I was made out of Teflon
And rubber
Death was about as real as

Santa clauseAfter discovering mid flight

My grandfather brought me in

Grateful I had not broken any bones
and decided it was time for me
To hear my legacy

I come from the stock of murders
And thieves
Of bushmen and robbers
I am wiley and resourceful
I laugh hard and play for keeps
We are a honorable stock
And our morality is that of superior women

We are Cimarron
We are stolen back slaves
We are freemen with the conscience
To kill
And our children have wild hearts
And no sense of shame

My parents called me a tom-boy and tried to make me sit
My grandfather called me Nanny’s soldier
And told me to run everywhere
My grandmother told me that pants were unlady like

So my grandfather bought me shorts

At 7 he told me that rather than let their slaves go
The masters on Jamaican plantations burned their slaves
Quarters up in the middle of the night
Freedom for them
Was for the soul only
The bodies would forever be there’s

Fairytales and fantasies give us maps
For the impossible
Dreams are the playbook for life
If you can’t imagine it
Then you can never reach for it

We are told and we continue to tell
Stories that are impossible and improbable
We need them
To lead our bodies to new places
And we need them to hold
Our spirits together

My grandfather believe that the slaves who stole
Themselves back from moral men
Were honorable thieves
And superior beings
And thus gave us the bloodline of gods
We swam in the long forgotten blood of Poseidon
And the smiles of Loki healed our scars
Odon was in the salt of our tears and sweat
And Anansi kept our children clever

I come from an island of forgotten but not powerless gods
Thieves, murders, and robbers, all honorable men taking back
Their morality from the men who tried to steal their best. 

When I find myelf

I live my life
In a constant state of alright
But rarely was it truly ok
Until one day when I stumbled
Upon an orchid growing up
Through the cracks of an urban walkway
There she was bold and delicate
Beautiful and righteous
Soft and gritty
The type of flower that blooms
For no one and opens
When she wants to show off for herself

At first I wanted to pick her
But then I realized it would be best
To just visit
So I came to her
Over and over
For blessings
For company
For fun and peace
And she opened her petals
Showed me her joy
And brought me to a Maybe
Where before I was mostly NO

This orchard dancing in the sun
Grows in the moon
Thrives on music
And grooves to the twinkle of stars
Through the sound of stem I hear
My life in colors of hope and promise
Through the whisper of her leaves
I see my potential in notes of
Sturdy valor

My grand orchid
After bringing the sublime to my feet
She merely folds up again
And goes back to sleep